Documentation of my happenings in Cambodia from my thoughts, to funny things, and what God is doing in my life I hope you enjoy reading...

Romans 10:14-15

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'"

December 29, 2008

Christmas Chaos

Yesterday I had the privledge of teaching Cambodian Children at one of the churches. It was somewhat crazy but a blessing to. What I was told to prepare for was 1 hour so of course I prepared for a hour and a half to be safe but the teaching time ended up being 2 1/2 hours long. A young man I know stepped in to help me praise God because he was able to explain things that were difficult for me to do when it was needed it different ways. He also helped to fill in the time. It was very hot in the room and the kids energy was all over the place. Needless to say when the time came to recieve Christ all of them prayed -my prayer is that their little hearts are sincere and that the seed that has been planted is on good soil. Those who really meant it God would help them share this exciting news with others and help them to grow in faith.

Sorry So Long

My computer conked out on me before Christmas and I wont have it back until Feb. Therefore I have to go to internet shops in order to do many things, because of this it is hard to take time to post on my blog. Just want you to know that if you don't hear much of me it is for this reason.

December 6, 2008

An Unlikely Sight

I saw something when I was out in the province that continue to give me culture shock or at least experiences that suprise me. Take a look at this picture.
Can you see what this little girl has? A big knife that she is balancing fruit on.
No Khmer person around was concerned about this.

November 23, 2008


I have seen the fruit on trees and when it is whole, I have also seen the fruit when it is already out of its peel. Today I got the experience of helping to take the fruit from its peel.

You need to peel and discard the skin. Before cutting open the Jackfruit we had to coat the knife and cutting board with a cooking oil on account of the latex. Unripe Jackfruit especially exude a lot of sticky latex.
see the white that is the latex it is like taffy that sticks to everything.
I was really suprised how difficult it was to take the fruit out and
afterwards my hands were sticky even after washing for a long time.
the fruit if you find the pieces like the picture above pieces that are not
too slimy the fruit tastes good and kind of has a flavor of banana and pinneapple,
very different from DURIAN.

November 18, 2008

Exotic Eating Experience

One of the Sunday School teachers that has studied with me invited me to go out to eat with her and her family. She took me to a place called Neo Suki (Japansese food -Suki Soup). There is this big hot pot in the middle of the table that they put a vegetable broth in. Then you order meats and vegetables -when they come they are raw then you put them in the broth and let it cook-then eat. You may be asking what is so exotic about that? Well they order things like squid, seabass and even jellyfish among other things. It actually tasted pretty good and I had a good time with good company.

November 17, 2008

Language Evaluation #4

Today I had my fourth language evaluation - I was very encouraged by the feedback I got from the Khmer evaluators. They said some very good things about my conversation skills, reading skills...most everything was very positive. They did say that there are some words/sounds that I need to be careful with, but that I continue to make progress in the language. It is nice to hear, because sometimes I don't feel like I am progressing - it is hard for me to see, but that is one reason we have the language evals to help us see that we are moving forward. Thank you God for giving me the ability to hear, speak and read this language which was once so foreign. God it is because you have enabled me and helped me to be diligent in studying and using Khmer.

November 8, 2008

Eating Loosens the Mouth

Yesterday I took the three girls who I teach out to eat. We spent the whole morning at the restraunt which was pretty empty. We ate a little in the morning and then studied together. After studying we ate lunch together too. I noticed that our time studying together was good, probably because of the food. The girls seemed to be open to talking more than usual as we looked at the death and resurrection of Jesus and how this impacts our life. I was really encouraged by the questions that they asked and the discussions about the importance of what Jesus has done for us. Thank you for always remembering our meeting times please pray as this week we read and study John 1-2 I am challenging them to spend time in God's Word each day and to put into practice some of the things we have been studying about the Bible.

October 31, 2008

Car Complications

This past weekend I had car complications. First a flat tire and then something wrong with the steering. However I thank God for people who are willing to help. When I got the flat tire-three guys from a nearby shop came over and changed the tire for me although it was no easy task. I had my first opportunity of buying a tire. Then praise God that I have to park my car at a local garage at night because they were the ones who informed me of the some kind of steering problem - they told me I should not continue to drive until it is fixed. Thank God for the CAMA office where we have wonderful staff-one of the Khmer staff members came out and took a look at the car and said yes it did need to have work done. So the next day he took care of the whole thing for me. It is a wonderful blessing to have people who can help because I do not know all the words to be able to communicate about car problems and such. So even when there are complication there are also encouraging thins too. Now everything is good with the car.

October 19, 2008

A Walk in Water

It rained early this morning before I left for church. When I arrived the church was flooded from the gate at the entrance and through the sanctuary. There is a portion of the building that was not flooded because it was on higher ground up some steps. In order to get into any part of the church we had to walk in the water. So I hiked up my pant legs and waded through the water which was up to mid calf - cold and dirty. We meet in the area above the water- a small room which soon became filled with people. I was suprised at the number of people that came because another missionary told me that if the church is flooded most of the people's houses are flooded as well.

October 13, 2008


Last week I traveled to this province with some other missionaries on my team to discuss ideas about development and ministry in Cambodia. This was for the new missionaries on the team and the time together was led by the Strongs. They helped us to think about things that are important when getting involved here in Cambodia. We talked about worldview, insider and outsider, working with the poor...It was things that probably all of us have thought about already but it was good to discuss them as a group and hear different ideas. There are still alot of questions but everything we talked about is food for thought. We will always need to be learning from one another and from the nationals.

October 5, 2008

Teaching Lesson 2

Yesterday I met with the girls at the dorm to discuss lesson two-it was about how sin entered the world. This week the girls suprised me because they actually had questions to ask me that they wanted to discuss. This I was excited about because when they ask questions I feel like we are actually discussing and learning. However, they asked questions that are difficult to answer even in English. Questions like: Why did God create Satan? Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden? When did God create the angels?...Well I did my best to try and give them some answers and things to think about but again language can still be a barrier at times.
Also I am still learning how to pray in Khmer-I can pray short prayers like to open the meeting, but at the end of the meeting I asked if one of them would pray and no one wanted to so they told me I could pray in English for the requests that were mentioned.
Please pray that I would grow in ability to communicate and in my leadership skills as well.

September 27, 2008

Sunday School Seminar

The past few days my nerves have been really high. My nervousness has grown as today approached. I have been more nervous the past few days then I have been in a really long time. However this morning I was not really nervous, I felt mostly calm-I credit it to God (alot of prayer). Not many teachers showed up for the seminar today, but the feed back I got was great. I was told by a fellow missionary that I did a great job and another Sunday School Seminar has been planned. The teachers that attended seemed to be excited by the seminar. I hope that this will create a positive desire for more teachers to attend the next seminar and hopefully in the future I there will be a desire for me to plan one a month.

September 20, 2008

Teaching Time #1

Today was the first time I have taught in Khmer. I met with three ladies at the dorm and we studied the first lesson about God, his character and the first commandment. I prepared a number of questions ahead of time which was great but of course there were a number of things that I wanted to ask and talk about that I had not prepared. This was a little bit of a challenge but I feel that it all went well. It was great to talk about how we have seen God at work in our lives, our devotional times, importance of the Holy Spirit and putting God first in our lives. There was some challegeing things that came out of our conversation that I think will help each of us grow in our relationship with God. It was a little difficult at times with the language but overall I think I was able to express myself-praise God.

September 14, 2008

The Meeting

Yesterday I met with two gals from a dorm (gals who are studying at university level in the city). We went out for coffee at a nearby cafe and had a nice chat. The location was a bit on the noisy side so some of our conversation was lost. However, I think that as we meet on a regular basis I feel that God will bless our time together and I will get to know these gals better. I will keep you posted as time goes by on what transpires. Pray for us!

September 3, 2008

Planning - planning - planning

As I write this I am thinking of all the planning and preparation I need to do to be ready to do some teaching. This month I will be leading a study with 2 other believers on New Life in Christ. May God bless me with the language skills I need in order to have good discussion. I am also planning a Sunday School teachers session for the end of the month. My schedule is pick up pace as a plan and then implement.

August 26, 2008

Loud Music

Tonight there is a party somewhere near my house-how do I know you might ask-LOUD MUSIC! If you like loud music this is the place to be. When there is a party usually a loud speaker is rented to pump out the music and everything is outside. Since there are vent openings in the house and the houses are close to one another I cannot only hear the music (can't watch tv during that time) but can feel it as well. Sometimes I can even see what is happening from my window. This party has already been running for a hour and a half starting around 6pm it can go all the way until midnight. Although for a good night sleep it will be nice for it to end by 10.

August 19, 2008

House Guests

Since returning from Thailand I have had a short-termer staying at my house off and on. She left today to return to the states. It was a joy to have her as company especially over meals. We were able to talk alot about Cambodian culture and life. Now that she is gone I am looking forward to having one of our missionaries who is returning from vacation staying at my house for a few days. She serves in Siem Reap and so before she heads there we will get to spend a little time together.


It is hard to believe that I have been living in Phnom Penh Cambodia for over a year now. As I continue to study the language I realize how much more there is that I need to learn the problem is that there are not a lot of materials that I have access to in order to continue to steady well. So I am very excited about having more experiences using my language in different settings which hopefully will help my speaking and listening to grow.

August 10, 2008

Khmer Verses to Memorize

The first verse is Acts 10:43
The second verse is Romans 14:9
We read from left to right (Praise God) however there are no
spaces between words only spaces when there is a complete phrase
or at the end of the sentence.

August 8, 2008

Needles-70 doses-Air Asia

What do you get when you cross needles, 70 doses and Air Asia = PROBLEMS.
I flew Air Asia to Bangkok and back. On my way back I was bringng about 70 doses of medication with me. The airlines told me that I had too many needles in my carry on. They meade a big deal about it at the scanner and at the gate. However eventually they let me on the plane and did not even take my luggage.
The funny thing is that this is the first problem I have had transporting my medication. Different people have brought my meds from the US to Cambodia without any problems. I think it was the Airline. Praise God for making the way for me to bring my meds back with me.

Thailand Trip

I had a wonderful vacation in Thailand with the Youngs. It was relaxing and fun time. I was able to see some of the sights of Bangkok. I had the opportunity to share a Missions Moment at their church and they prayed for me it was a blessing. I felt very encouraged and supported by them.

July 18, 2008

Language Eval #3

Yesterday I had my 3rd language evaluation. Afterwards I always meet with my language supervisor and she gives me feedback from what the evaluators share with her. I was very encouraged by what she said... ...compared to the 2nd evaluation they saw much improvement... I am speaking more fluently and my pronounciation is good. I was able to share my testimony and they understood, they will be correcting the grammar of the written version for me. I was able to have good conversations. I thank God for giving me the ability to learn Khmer. Sometimes it is hard for me to see the improvements that I am making, but the evaluations are very helpful.

June 30, 2008


The highlight of my trip this past week was being able to celebrate with the churches in Siem Reap in a baptism ceremony. There was 8 people who recieved baptism. The event was held at the lake. We gathered together first for a time of singing, prayer and a short message about baptism which was followed with a local pastor baptizing the 8 individuals taking this very important step in their Christian walk.

June 18, 2008

Sharing and Sugar Cookies

Today I was invited by one of our Vietnamese missionaries to help with a youth meeting by teaching them how to bake sugar cookies using a recipe in English. Since today is a holiday (no classes) I agreed. These youth speak both Vietnamese and Khmer and some of them speak a little English. First I shared my testimony and since I am still working on it in Khmer I shared in English and Kim translated into Vietnamese for them. When we baked cookies I got to use a lot more Khmer since most of them do not know English. It was somewhat a challege trying to give directions but most of the batches turned out good. I also was able to speak Khmer with a few girls over lunch. It was a nice day. This was the first time since I have been here that I was able to do this kind of ministry it was a joy.

June 14, 2008

The Rabbit

I found out the other day that the rabbit is a symbol of wisdom. Made me think of King Solomon. Then I read a fable about a rabbit and discovered that the rabbit maybe smart but doesn't always use it for good. The fable did not end well - there was no moral lesson. The rabbit gets caught in a trap. Along comes a toad and the rabbit convinces the toad that if he helps him out of the trap he can cure the toads skin problem. Well once the toad helps the rabbit the rabbit tells the toad that he will always have the skin problem and hops away.
I was a little confused about this kind of story. It makes me think that there is kind of a lesson -but the lesson is be careful who you help they might turn their back on you. Well I read this but did not have a great feeling about this story. Is this insight into the way Cambodians think?

June 6, 2008

Sudy Subjects

At the University I am studying about letter writing. I am not sure when I will ever need to write a letter in Khmer language, but in case I ever do I now know how. We not only studied how to write a letter but in our book is a sample 3 page sample letter for us to study. The subject of the letter is the benefits of breast feeding a baby. A great comfortable subject in which to study in class and words that are really useful for us in every day life (not really). Well I just find this a tidbit of Cambodian culture that I find interesting.

May 23, 2008

City Company

Rachael moved and has been gone for almost a week - an adjustment for me not having this friend close by. Today I connected with one of the young ladies from the church-we spent the day together. She is Khmer but speaks good english but we spoke most of the time in Khmer. We walked around the market and then went for a drive and had lunch together. We talked about lots of life things - I hope to continue to develop this relationship on a regular basis(mentoring her). Although she is busy. I prayed for the first time with someone besides my tutor even though it was only a short prayer over our lunch. It was an encouraging day for me.

May 18, 2008

Singles Retreat

There are 7 single ladies ministering in Cambodia through the C&MA so we got together for a 4 day retreat. We got away from where we live and minister to a nice quiet location in Cambodia. The quiet was refreshing for those of us who live in Phnom Penh especially - we were able to really think and listen with out a lot of distracting noise. We had beautiful surroundings - flowers and manicured gardens. We went on a hike one day through the forest (there was a path) it had the camp feel. The hike led to a nice waterfall. Us ladies spent time sharing what God has been doing in our lives this past year and how to pray for one another. We spent a lot of time in pray for each other which was a blessing and encouragement. We also played games together. It was defenitely a retreat and we enjoyed one anothers company. Go to my picture page to see some of the pictures of this retreat.

May 8, 2008

Mid-term exam

Tomorrow morning I have a mid-term test in my university class. This is a written test and the teacher says it should take us 1 1/2 hours to complete. He did not give us much details regarding what type of things are on the test so I have been reviewing all of the things we have studied thus far. Please pray for me as I take this test I am sure that this test will be somewhat exhausting.

May 6, 2008


today my roomate Rachael left to move to a village. Today I drove the car around town. I had some business to take care of about 3 miles or so from my house and need to make a few stops so I took the car. While I was out it downpoured making it hard to see and traffic was at a standstill. It ended up taking me over two hours to get back to my house so it was like going 1 mile every 40 minutes. I learned my lesson not to stay out in the car after 4pm unless coming back around 8pm. I know now that I can pretty much manage any thing in traffic. Pray for me as I drive around town.

April 28, 2008

Cambodia Visitors

This past week Dave and Maryanne came from Thailand to Cambodia for an International Pastors Conference. This was held in PP and so I had the opportunity to spend some time with them. They took me out to eat (what a nice treat) and we talked and talked. I went with the group as they did some touring of the city to spend more time with them. They left on Friday so I went to the airport to see them off and we had ice cream. I thank God to be able to spend time with these good friends-what a blessing.

April 11, 2008

Khmer New Year

Khmer New Year is the 15th of this month. Many Cambodians travel to the province where they have relatives to spend the week there. I have the week off from my university class as well as from tutoring. I am not sure what I will be doing - Rachael and I may just hang out at the house most of the time. Some of my Khmer friends are not going to the province so I hope to be able to spend some time with them. On the 15th I will avoid going to Wat Phnom because I hear that they through powder and water - we would call this paste! Does not sound too fun to me. I guess for those in the city it is a big thing to watch tv because they show traditional celebrations of Khmer New Year on the tv.

April 3, 2008

Language Eval 2

I had my second language evaluation today. I had to hold two converstions in Khmer lasting around 5 minutes each. I had to tell a 5 minute story and recite 2 verses of scripture. I also had to read a selected paragraph as well as do dictation of that paragraph. I wrote two papers in Khmer and turned them in at the eval too.
I have received good feedback from this evaluation. I am continuing to improve in the language especially in my speaking ability, but they said I was doing well in every thing. There are some grammar issues that I need to work on, but I think that they will be worked on at the university class because that is the main focus of the 3rd level which I just began.
Thank you for your continued prayers that I would be come fluent in the Khmer language.

March 29, 2008

Village Visit

This past week I went to a village it was about a 12 hour drive including stops. The was good most of the way but closer to the village it was really dusty and bumpy. There were no bathrooms I had to use the forest - where wild pigs run about. I also showered in the village water hole wearing a sambot which I had a hard time tying. The village women and kids enjoyed watching the white woman shower. It was a neat experience. I slept outside in a hammock with a mosquito net covering me.

March 11, 2008

Finally Feeling Settled

We moved into our new house this past week and finally feel we have a place for everything and it is on its way to feeling like a home. It is a nice place where I feel comfortable. Last week however was a difficult one because it was hard to try to balance moving, setting up home, and studying-so I was able to take a few days off from studying which made the setting up home easier with more time to organize and arrange things. Even when you do not seem to have A LOT it still seems to be time consuming and I realize I have more than I thought. Soom I will post some pictures of this new place where I am living. It is also nice to have Rachael as a roommate-I enjoy her company. PRAISE GOD!

February 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I have a home - I will be moving all of my things in on Monday. It is the second and third floors of a house in which a Khmer family lives on the bottom floor. We have a separate enterance to our house but the main gate we share with them. It has two bedrooms, one bathroom and then a living room-dining room-kitchen all open. On the third floor we have a open balcony with two rooms off of it each has a bathroom they open onto the balcony outside. A very different set up then my other house. I am excited to have all the main living space on one floor. It is located a couple of blocks from the university where I study. God has answered our prayers.

February 23, 2008

A New Home

Rachael and I found a house that we like today. It is above a Khmer family's home, but has a seperate entrance. It has a spacious feel and lots of windows. Please pray that all the final things that need to happen for us to rent this place would take place. Thank you.

February 18, 2008

New Language Opportunities

Today I met with one of the missionaries that helps me with studying the langauge we meet 2 times a week for a hour and a half each time. She has been coming to my house for months now and we usually study a book or I ask her questions about something else I have been studying if I need further explanation. Today she took me to an orphanage - it is right around the corner from where I live right now and I did not even know it. It was a great time. The orphanage has around 35 children ranging from 2 years old to 12 years old. I spent my time asking the kids their names and ages, playing games with them, taking some pictures and laughing. It was a time of refreshing for me, the kids were excited and having such a good time it made my heart glad. I could not understand all of the children when they talked some do not speak very clearly, but I was able to talk some. I hope to be able to visit there on a regular basis.

February 15, 2008

On the Move

As of this morning I was getting ready to move in with a good friend and missionary collegue, Rachael, to where she has been living for the last 6 months. A new contract had already been negotiated for another 6 months. As of this afternoon the landlords have changed their minds and no longer want to rent that apartment. Therefore we are both in need of a new place to move to. We are looking for something that will be able to keep us somewhat cool in the hottest times of the year and a place that is roomy... We will only be living together for a few months so I would like it to be in a nice location near some of the other missionaries for when she moves provincially. Pray as we trust God to guide not only us but also our helper in all these changes. We know that our God is a loving and compassionate God and has a plan and purpose pray that we would listen to his voice and rest in him.

February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

One of my missionary colleagues asked me what my favorite love story in the Bible is. The better question what is the greatest love story of all times?
My answer: I think that if this story was written in a modern way in a non-fiction romance novel many women would be intrigued and interested by the story (even men) – especially of a man sacrificing his life for the one he loves –dying in the place of that one. The story begins with love, leads to pursuing, and eventually the death, but then comes the source of life.
On the side of the one that is loved: at first they have interest, but then reject the lover, pushing the lover away, running to other things/people, the one is sentenced to death for the things done, but saved by the lover who takes the place of this loved one. After the death of the lover the one loved realizes the loss and is grieved, but the lover rises from the dead and they are able to have everlasting love-love that never ends.
This story would be one that may interest many and people may be excited to share it with others but would they interact with it, would it really touch them at the heart?
Maybe People are not wanting to be touched because when they are they feel there are expectations on them.
However, this is not a story in a romance novel it is truth. This is the story between Jesus (the lover) and each one of us (the loved). And there are expectations: once one has heard about Jesus one has to either accept or reject Him. What about you – if you have not accepted then you have rejected and rejection leads to death not life. But choosing Jesus is the greatest love exerience ever-one that has no end.
CHECK THIS OUT! Then go to Your Divine Valentine under the Valentine Cards!

February 7, 2008

Prayer Retreat

Today was the first day of our two day field prayer retreat. First I thank God that all our missionaries in Cambodia were able to come to this time. This is the first time that I was able to meet some of them so it was great. Second I thank God for speaking to us as we spent time quieting our hearts and listening to him. Thirdly I thank God for good time of fellowship as a community. I pray that tomorrow would be just as encouraging and that God would continue to direct us and show us how to do what he wants.

January 30, 2008

Women's Camp

This year we had the first ever women's camp - 400 ladies from 3-4 different provinces made their way to Siem Reap to participate in this 3 day event. It was a beautiful sight to see this many in worship together. The church was filled to overflowing - it was nice to see the building since when I was here in 2001 I participated in bulding it. I met some girls that remembered me, they were part of the youth group that we helped with then. I had opportunity to speak with Khmer ladies and to listen alot. It was a beneficial language experience for me (e.g. singing with the other missionaries in front of course in Khmer), but it was also a very encouraging time. It was a blessing to see that the Khmer women were blessed and that God was speaking to them. I also had the opportunity to connect with other missionaries on our field that I had not yet met. It was great fun.

January 24, 2008

Structure in Studying

The more that I study the more I learn about Cambodians. In my university class most everything we do is rote and everyday I know to expect in my class. Both my teacher and my tutor have a difficult time answering questions I have about the language. What can I learn about Cambodians from this...Cambodians do not seem to question much, they were taught not to question and to do just what they were told and they seem to have a difficult time thinking outside of the box or creatively. Reason being they were never given the chance to really do this growing up. Well this has gotten me thinking about the church in Cambodia - the church is still fairly new and I cannot imagine what it would be like to be a new Christian in Cambodia. They don't have a lot of resources or a lot of ideas of what to do. I just think of everything that we have had education, many different models of ministry...I guess that is why God has us here. Please keep Cambodia in your prayers, the Christians and all of us missionaries.

January 21, 2008

Examples of some Khmer

លេវីវិន័យ Leviticus

ជនគណនា Numbers

ទិយកថា Deuteronomy

នាងរស់ Ruth

អែសរ៉ា Ezra

January 14, 2008

The Books of the Bible

I cannot really remember learning the books of the Bible, but it must have been in Awana. I just take for granted the fact that I know them and can locate book-chapter-verse quite easily. Now I am going through this again in Khmer language - I know now what it feels like when you don't know the books of the Bible but are trying to learn them and you come across these really strange names that you cannot read or pronounce very easily. I can identify with the Awana kids who are trying to learn the names of the books of the Old Testament it is difficult. Today was the first day that I went through the 66 names. It will take a while for me to memorize all of them but I am working on it and am excited for the day when I can easily find book-chapter-verse in my Khmer Bible.

January 8, 2008


Tomorrow remember me in your prayers for I will say goodbye to my mom as she returns to Minnesota. It has been a wonderful time having her here in Cambodia with me, she was able to experience a lot of things with me. It will be sad to have her go - but I have enjoyed the 3 weeks we have had together. I have gotten used to traveling by tuk tuk every where that on Thursday when I go back to riding motodope I will have to consiously remember my helmet. I will have to adjust to living alone again (hopefully only for a short time longer) as I desire to move in with a missionary friend the end of February. Just keep me in your prayers as I go through this time. Thank you.

January 1, 2008

Christmas in Cambodia

Christmas in Cambodia is very different than in Minnesota. First of all the weather is very warm, then there are not a lot of decorations around town, also most of Cambodia treat the day like any other day. My mom and I decided to spend some time as tourists this Christmas. On Christmas day we went to Wat Phnom and to the Royal Palace - if you know anything about touring Cambodia it is the fact that there are many religious ties to the places to visit. There are Buddhist temples at both Wat Phnom and the Royal Palace and after Christmas we went to Siem Reap and saw the temples there including Angkor Wat. Well I believe that this is the Christmas that I have spent the most time in prayer. My prayer - that God would continue to deepen my love for the Cambodian people, that in all I do Christ would be seen in me, that the eyes and hearts of the Cambodian people would be open to the deception they have believed, for spiritual protection...May God continue to open my eyes to see what it is he desires of me and that I would also begin to see more my place here in Cambodia.